Field Journal: Entry #348
Location: Deep within the Brotherhood's Cave
Time: When shadows speak...
/\\___/\\ BROTHERHOOD /\\___/\\
| ◇◇◇ | OF THE ANCIENT | ◇◇◇ |
\\___/\\ POWERS \\___/\\
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[new alliances form]
The cave has become a beacon for those who seek ancient knowledge. Each day brings new masters, new powers, new mysteries. The Brotherhood grows stronger...
*・゜゜・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゜▽゜*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゜・*
*・゜゜・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゜▽゜*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゜・*
Guild Masters Assembled:
→ Runebinder from the Ancient Libraries
→ Geomancer of the Crystal Peaks
→ Void Whisperer from the Eternal Dark
→ Dreamweaver of the Twilight Realms
→ Stormcaller of the Thunder Plains
→ Blood Sage of the Crimson Courts
Each master brings their own magic, their own secrets. The cave walls pulse with combined energies I've never witnessed before. The preparations are clear - they are gathering strength for something momentous.
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Overheard Plans - ENCRYPTED
→ Discussions of the Northern Dragon's domain
→ Maps being drawn of mountain passages
→ Ancient texts about dragon-binding studied
→ Ritual preparations underway
→ Brotherhood grows stronger by the day
/\\/\\ UNITED IN PURPOSE /\\/\\
| ++ BOUND BY POWER ++ |
\\/\\/ MARKED BY FATE \\/\\/
I've learned their intent - the Brotherhood plans to seek the Ancient Dragon together. Not as conquerors, but as equals seeking ancient knowledge. The power of their combined arts might just be enough to earn its respect.
Ritual Observations:
→ Gem Seeker's crystals align in new patterns
→ Combined magics create unprecedented effects
→ Ancient symbols appear in the air
→ The cave itself seems to breathe with power
→ Each master adds their signature to the whole
The brotherhood grows stronger each day. Soon they will be ready to face the dragon - not with weapons or violence, but with wisdom and unified purpose. Even from my hidden vantage point, I can feel the power building...
...when they move, I must follow